Knowledge Centre

The Modern Slavery Act: a compliance approach

Kasalana Our Perspective 11 - The Modern Slavery Act: a compliance approach

The Modern Slavery Act: a compliance approach

Our Perspective 11:
The Modern Slavery Act 2015 (section 54, Transparency in Supply Chains - TISC) requires organisations operating in the UK, with a turnover of £36 million or more, to publish an annual statement setting out the steps that they have taken during that financial year to ensure that human trafficking and slavery are not taking place, either in their supply chains or in any part of their own business.

To read more, download the pdf Kasalana Our Perspective 11 - The Modern Slavery Act: a compliance approach.

“We work in partnership with global corporations at the forefront of their industries. These are the people pioneering improvements in ethical business practices and we are proud to be associated with them.”
Sam Pope
Managing Director, Kasalana

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