About us
In a world of computers and desk research, we believe that in-depth local knowledge, an inquisitive nature and sound judgement will deliver the best results for our clients. We apply our extensive experience to every issue we work on and we deliver intelligence that you can confidently rely on to make informed business decisions and support your litigation. We are flexible, nimble and responsive to changing priorities and our business experience brings deep understanding of our clients’ commercial needs.
Our Team
Where we work
Reliable. Intelligent. Trustworthy
We rely on our network for the human intelligence-gathering that you can’t do remotely on a computer. We combine the insight from our network with our extensive experience and sound judgement to produce intelligence reports that can be relied upon for decision-making or litigation support.
Our process
We help our clients to fulfil their regulatory requirements, protect their assets and reputations, and clarify complex issues. Our experienced senior consultants manage each project with a hands-on and personal approach, leading to timely, responsive and objective intelligence.

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